Kwenye mtaa wa Agrey mambo yapo hivi
Watu busy sana kazini
Watu kibaooooooooooooooo
Lulu asomewa mashtaka yake leo kisutu
Akiwa anashuka kwenye ngazi
Akiwa anaondoka mahakama ya Kisutu
Lema arudishiwa Ubunge: Mahakama ya rufaa imesisitiza kwamba hukumu iliyotolewa mwanzo haikuwa ya haki
Watu wakijimwaga barabarani kushangilia ushindi wa LemaAkiwa pamoja na wafuasi wake barabarani kuelekea makao makuu
Bodaboda nazo zilikuwepo kama kawaida
Hapa akasisitiza alikuwa Honey moon sasa amerudi kazini
Mwenyekiti wa CHADEMA naye akaongea kidogo na wananchi baada ya kuwasili makao makuu ya CHADEMA
Mawakili 618 waapishwa katika viwanja vya Law school
Baaadhi ya mawakili wakijadili mambo mbalimbali
Mawakili wakisikiliza kwa umakini
Jaji mkuu wa Tanzania Ramadhani Othman Chande akitoa nasaha zake
Mhariri kurasa wa zamani wa gazeti la Daily News akiongea jambo na Mwanasheria mkuu wa serikali.
Chikawe unveils what hinders development in Tanzania
Selfishness and favoritisms are
among things which hinder work efficiency in
any organization.
The Minister for Constitution and
Legal affairs, Mr Mathias Chikawe made the remarks when launching the
Ministry’s Workers Council meeting which elected new leaders in Dar es Salaam
“Such attitudes bring complaints
and reduce workers commitment and morale in work place,” he said.
The Chairman of the council Mr
Fanuel Mbonde still continues with his term while Justin Moshi is the new
secretary and Rose Lugendo his assistant.
Minister noted that there are some
organizations in which leader’s decision are normally influenced by selfishness
and favoritism.
“It is not a surprise to see in
different organizations, chances for schooling, official trips or even ranks
are given on the basis of religion, tribalism and sometimes friendship. That is
a bad behavior which divides workers and we should make sure we are escaping
it,” he told the workers council.
He further mentioned the poor uses
of power is among the disease which contributes highly to our country’s
destruction adding that there are people who are playing great part in the
“Poor uses of power and Public
wealth are a cancer which is attacking our country currently and some of us we
have become ants, we chew and destruct public wealth without any fear,” he
Mr Chikawe also said that
discipline and avoidance of conflicts in places of work are vital if any
organization or ministry needs development,t adding that wherever there is lack
of discipline and conflicts between workers there is also inefficiency in
Other issues which were discussed
in the Ministry of Constitution and Legal Affairs Workers Council meeting,
includes lack of workers in the ministry.
Mrs Christina Sonyi is the
Director of Policy and Plans in the Ministry, In her presentation she noted
that there are some departments which lack workers and that sometimes act as an
obstacle in the implementation of different strategies and plans in the Ministry.
“There is scarce of labors in some
departments, that is among the challenges we are facing and it hinders the
implementation of our policies and strategies,” she said.
Responding to the matter, a
special delegate of the council, Mr Moses Chitama noted that they are fighting
to make sure that they employ people in order to eradicate the problem.
“We have employed some people
especially in Procurement department, now there are some eight people in it,
and we hope we will do the same to other departments which are lacking
workers,” he said.
Ponda afikishwa tena mahakamani: Mashahidi wawili wasikilizwa
Ulinzi ukiwa umeimarika vyema
Na Flora
Baraza la Ulamaa, Shekhe Habibu Ismail (46) ameieleza mahakama kuwa baraza hilo
liliridhia na kutoa kibali kwa Baraza la waislamu Tanzania (Bakwata)
kubadilishana ardhi na na kampuni ya AgriTanza.
Alidaa hayo
jana katika Mahakama ya Hakimu Mkazi Kisutu, Dar es Salaam wakati akitoa
ushahidi katika kesi ya uchochezi na wizi wa mali zenye thamani ya Sh milioni
59 inayomkabili Katibu wa Jumuiya ya Waislamu Shekhe Ponda Issa Ponda na
wenzake 49.
na Wakili wa Serikali Tumaini Kweka kutoa ushahidi, Shekhe Ismail alidai kuwa,
kampuni hiyo inamiliki kihalali kiwanja kilichopo katika eneo la Chang’ombe
markazi kwa kuwa walifuata taratibu zote za kubadilishana ardhi.
Alidai kuwa
Januari 3 mwaka jana baraza hilo lilikaa kikao na kutoa majukumu kwa Katibu wa
Bakwata pamoja na timu yake yautendaji kutafuta eneo kubwa kwaajili ya ujenzi
wa Chuo Kikuu cha Kiislamu ambapo Januari 8 walisema wamepata eneo la ekari 40.
Ismail ambaye ni Shekhe Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Shinyanga alidai kuwa, walikwenda
kuliona eneo hilo lililopo Kisarawe Mkoani Pwani, kwa kuwa walikuwa na wasiwasi
kutokana na eneo lao kuwa ekeri nne na kampuni hiyo kukubali kuwapa ekari 40.
Akihojiwa na
wakili wa washitakiwa, Juma Nassoro, Shekhe Ismail alidai kuwa hafahamu
utaratibu uliotumika kuipata kampuni ya Agritanza kwa kuwa watendaji wakuu
walikuwa Bakwata na hajui kwanini eneo hilo ambalo awali alidai lilikuwa ni
ekari 27 lilibaki ekari nne.
Kwa upande
wake, Mkurugenzi wa Kampuni ya Agritanza, Suleiman Mohamed akitoa ushahidi
alidai kuwa alisikia Bakwata wanatafuta eneo la ekari 30 na wapo tayari
kubalishana ndipo walipoamua kuwatafuta na wakaambiwa watakubaliana baada ya
kufuata taratibu.
Alidai baada
ya kupata eneo hilo walizungusha ukuta kutenganisha eneo lao na shule ya kiislamu
ya markazi lakini aliambiwa Ponda na wenzake walifika hapo na kuwaamuru mafundi
wasimamishe ujenzi na wao waliafiki lakini baada ya muda watu wanaokadiriwa kuwa zaidi 300 walivamia
eneo hilo na kuanza ujenzi.
Hata hivyo
akihojiwa, Mohamed alidai hawafahamu washitakiwa hao na kwamara ya kwanza
alimuona Ponda alipokwenda kutoa maelezo kituo cha polisi na kuongeza kuwa
hakuibiwa mali zake lakini watu asio wafahamu walitumia matofali mchanga na
kokoto kujenga.
Mahakama imepokea vielelezo vitatu ambavyo
Muhutasari wa kikao cha Januari 3 na Januari 8 mwaka jana cha Baraza la Ulamaa
pamoja na mkataba baina ya Bakwata na Kampuni ya Agritanza. Kesi itatajwa tena
desemba 18 na kuendelea kusikilizwa desemba 31 mwaka huu.Polisi wakiwalinda wafuasi wa Ponda
Wakili wa Ponda Bw Juma Nasoro akiongea na wafuasi wa Ponda
Burudani yatumika kuhamasisha wananchi wa Lindi juu ya Lishe bora
Mrisho Mpoto akiongoza watoto waliobeba mabango juu ya Lishe bora
Mpoto akiwa kwenye maigizo na kikundi chake cha Mjamba
Kijana wa sarakasi akiwa kazini
Kikundi cha watoto kikiimba ngonjera inayoasa juu ya Lishe bora
Umati wa watu ukishuhudia michezo mbalimbali
Wanasarakasi kazini
Vibanda vya wafanyabiashara Kongowe vyabomolewa
*Mgambo wa manispaa ya Temeke ndio waliohusika
*Ilikuwa ni usiku wa kuamkia Leo
*Wadai hawakuwa na taarifa yeyote
*Mwenyekiti wa serikali za mitaa asema serikali haitambui
Baadhi ya hazina iliyosalimika baada ya nyumba kubomolewa
Jamaa akikusanya mzigo wake baada ya hali kuwa tete
Kukomaa huku mzee Fastaeli Samanga akibeba mabati yake
Jamaa alinusurika ikabidi aanze kungoa mbao za kibanda mwenyewe
Prof. Anna Tibaijuka azindua kitabu kinachoitwa"LAND AS A HUMAN RIGHT"
Akiwa pamoja na muandishi wa kitabu hicho Assistant Lecturer wa School of law katika chuo kikuu cha Da r es salaam, Bw Abdon Rwegasira(kushoto) pamoja na Vice Chancellor wa chuo hicho Prof. Rwekaza Mukandala.
Mjumbe wa Tume ya Mabadiliko ya katiba Maria M. Kashonda akielezea migogoro ya ardhi hususani inayosababishwa na kutokuwepo na haki ya wanawake kumiliki ardhi. Akasisitiza haki ya mwanamke kumiliki ardhi lazima iwepo katika katiba.
Rufaa ya Lema yanguruma: Lisu aichachafya mahakama
Wakili wa Lema akiongea na Lema wakati wa mapumziko
Akiwa mahakamani
Baadhi ya watu wakisikiliza rufaa ya Lema
Akiwa anatoka mahakamani
Akiwa anaoneshwa sehemu ya kusimama ili aongee na watu
Hapo akabainisha kuwa alionewa ila anaamini Mungu yupo na pia haki haikutendeka maana ikulu waliingilia kazi yake.
Consul for Former Arusha Urban Member
of Parliament, Godbless Lema, yesterday requested the court of appeal to quash
the high court judgment and set aside it`s decree nullifying the election
results of their client as Member of Parliament for Arusha Urban Constituency.
On 5th April this year, High
Court Judge, Gabriel Rwakibalila unsated Lema after holding that the Former MP
had committed illegal practices including using abusive language against CCM
candidate,Dr Batilda Burian during campaigning in 2010 general election .
Lema council, Tundu Lisu faulted such
findings when addressing judges of the appeal court claiming that the CCM
members who had petitioned to challenge the election results of which Judge
Rwakibalila relied in their evidence to give his judgement had no mandate of
doing so.
“The only proper person to
substantiate such defamatory was Dr.
Batilda and not the three petitioners as they were not the one defamed,” he
told a panel comprise of Justice Salum Massati, Natalia Kimaro and Justice
Bernard Luanda.
Supporting argument by Advocate Lisu,
State Attorney Timoth Vitalis appeared in court on behalf of Attorney General
told the judges that defamation is a total of person nature and the one who was
defamed was required to appear in the
court but surprising enough she didn`t.
In addition to that he said that among
the issues which were raised in high court against Lema includes resident
discrimination in which he was accused of speaking abusive words against CCM
candidate noting that kind of discrimination is not recognized by the law.
“There are four types discrimination according
to the law which are Gender discrimination, Racial discrimination, Religious
discrimination and Racial discrimination those others are not recognized by the
law,” he said.
However the lawyer for three CCM
members, Advocate Alute Mughwai requested the court to dismiss with cost the
appeal by the reason that grounds of appeal raised lacked facts and they have
no power to challenge the judgement of high court.
decision which is the subject matter in the appeal was given on April 5, 2012
by High Court Judge Gabriel Rwakibalira, declaring Lema's election in the 2010
General Elections null and void.Lema had polled 56,561 votes, leaving Dr
Batilda Burian, his closest challenger and a CCM candidate, finishing a distant
second with 37,460 votes. Dr Burian, a former Cabinet minister, is now
Tanzania's High Commissioner to Kenya.
victory was nullified after the court said it had been proven beyond any
reasonable doubt that the then Chadema candidate uttered defamatory remarks and
used abusive language against his CCM rival, Dr Burian.But later CHADEMA
appealed against the ruling claiming it was a "travesty of justice,"
citing that the alleged defamatory and abusive language said to have been used
by Lema against the CCM candidate, in the preceding campaigns had not been
opposition party claimed that such claims were not substantiated because the
victim, Dr Buriani, who contested with Lema, did not appear before the court to
corroborate them.
Plan International watembelea wakazi wa Kibaha
Mwenyekiti wa Plan International katikati, Mr Nigel Chapman(katikati) akiwa anasikiliza kwa umakini.
Ellen Louie akiuliza swali kwa wafanyakazi wa Plan tawi la Kibaha
Ellen akiwa amembeba mtoto Mariam
Ellen Louie akiuliza swali kwa wafanyakazi wa Plan tawi la Kibaha
Ellen akiwa amembeba mtoto Mariam
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